REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Tina Marinescu

The best photos I ever had!!!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Foarte frumoase și profesionale poze. Bravo!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Adela Cebotari


Thank you for being with us at Gala MAD-AID and for capturing these amazing moments.


Alexandra Nastase

The best photographer and videographer I ever meet. Not only by performance, but as human. Thank you, Dragos!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Foaaarte faine! Eu am mai tot spus ca pozele facute de dvs sunt printre cele mai reusite pe care le-a avut :)

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Rita Mocanu

Thank you for this amazing pictures

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


great pictures thanks so much

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


These pictures are so lovely! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


esti bun BAAAAAAAA! zice ca trebe sa scriu 30 de cuvinte....cuvinte....cuvinte....cuvinte!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Lucrari exceptionale ca de pe revistele internationale. Multumesc Dragos!

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Elena Rotari

You are amazing! O experienta frumoasa cu un om profesionist. Cu un asa profesionist sa filmezi si sa faci foto a fost doar un vis care a ajuns la realitate!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Best man ever! We party more because of him!!!!!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Ionut Minzat

My name is Ionut Minzat and I am very satisfied with all the important and special moments in this event

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Love the pictures , pure art!!!!!!!!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Mulțumesc Dragoș!
You are the best!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Ana Florentina Arsene

Pozele au iesit minunate si foarte profesionale .Iti multumesc 🙂 pentru ca acest album imi va trai emotii pe care le am experimentat si in acelasi timp aceste poze reflecteaza imaginea mea in care imi aduce aminte de butoanele care mi au apasat atunci si acolo

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Pozele, claritatea și pozitionarea copiilor sunt perfecte. Mulțumim tare mult 🙏

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Russ and Yaryna

London Open Senior II second place - Russ and Yaryna Houlden

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Emrah kale

Perfect Perfect Perfect Perfect

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Lovely action picture, with expression.

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Constantin Leonard Grigore

The photo you shared looks great! The colors are vivid and the composition is well-balanced. You have a good eye for capturing interesting moments. Keep up the good work!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Anca Lapadat

Multumesc!!! Superbe pozele. Imi plac foarte mult. M-am simtit foarte bine si pozele au iesit foarte frumoase!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


good job good job good job good job

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Robert Posa

Cele mai misto fotografii. Dau 10 stele din 5.

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


You have done such a nice work, Dragoș! Thank you for your patience and for the best quality of the pictures.

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Cel mai bun fotograf din toate timpurile

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography


Superbe pozele!! Sunt exact ce imi trebuiau pentru a face niste materiale promotionale super!

REVIEWS. Pro-Photography

Victoria Ungureanu

Dragoș mulțumesc cu recunoștință pentru poze. Ceea ce faci tu este minunat practic trăim din nou același emoții privind la poze si e mai mult decât magic. Mulțumesc